Tuesday, 11 August 2009


When im working a long shift or late at weekends I usualy have a couple of energy drinks like red bull or red rooster. Im quite sensitive to caffine and these do the trick nicely althogh i find it hard to wind down when i get home. I came accross this new one in the local off licence and thought id give it a go. Now this thing is tiny so it must be potent and also has the added bonus that you wont be needing the toilet every two minuetes. Potent to bloody right it was for someone who is sensitive to caffine. My skin turned red and i was burning all over this was only after a few minuets after drinking it. I picked the bottle back up to see what the hell is in this thing. Apparantely these symptoms are normal and only last a few minuets somthing to do with niacin so it said on the bottle. I Spent the next hour or so grinding my teeth tapping my foot and having heart palpitations. The caffine content to ml of liquid is the same as having 5 red bulls! Well i worked through the night no probs so at least i got my moneys worth


  1. ¿Vale la pena el dinero?

    Creo que no.


  2. Caffiene no tiene ningún efecto en mí. Tal vez porque su beben demasiado café tal y como es
